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Skepnews – 8/5/08

Posted in Skepnews by Skepdude on August 5, 2008

  • UFO crashed 150 million years ago. According to the anonymous sources, it crashed approximately 150 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs. – What, you have a problem with anonymous sources eh?
  • Cheap atheists? – Campaigners hoped to raise the raise the £23,400 necessary to buy a prominent two-week slot on a “bendy bus” by collecting £5 pledges from atheists online. A specially-created website had attracted only 877 pledges when its deadline passed on Thursday, far short of the 4,678 people needed.– Ok, so here’s my excuse: I was on vacation and didn’t hear anything until now. But seriously, come on atheists, get your shit together, it’s a numbers game, divided we fall!
  • Animal rights nuts attack scientists In the off-campus incident, a well-known molecular biologist and his family, including two small children, were forced to escape a smoke-filled house using a second-story ladder after a firebomb was intentionally set, Santa Cruz police said. One family member sustained injuries requiring brief hospitalization, and police are calling the firebombing, which occurred shortly before 6 a.m., a case of attempted homicide. About the same time, a car belonging to a researcher parked at an on-campus home was also firebombed, destroying the vehicle. – Hey at least the rats are safe now. I say, when they find these morons, don’t throw them in jail. However, next time they need a drug, after say a particularly gruesome car accident, they should be denied all kind of drugs/medical procedures which was at some point in it’s development tested on lab animals. Bunch of hypocrites!

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